May 22, 2008

what do you think the chances are of a guy like you and a girl like me ending up together. . .

I opened the front door to go outside and check the mail a few minutes ago and Mr. Spider's identical twin (or spouse, I didn't get close enough to check!) scurried in in just a split second. After 8 hours, he must have realized his friend was missing. Luckily, this time, as he was on the floor, I had a clear advantage. I just stomped on him and kicked him out the door. Seriously, what are the chances?


Angie said...

Diana you're so funny! I love reading about your spider adventures, but I hope you don't have to meet the rest of the family. :)

foreveryoung said...

EWWWWW! I hear you with the spiders, but I have to admit that I'd take a spider over the scorpions that we've had any day! PS-I want to see pictures of your new haircut!

Natalie N said...

Ha ha ha! What a scary time! One time when we were at Wymount, I saw a freaky spider and Tyler was at work. I called our home teacher and he came to the rescue! It was awesome. Kudos to you for your bravery! Your description of screaming while beating up the spider with Marc's shoe was priceless. How is it something that is 1/1000th the size of us can freak us out so much?!