May 20, 2008

It's just one of those days that a girl goes through. . .

Remember that song? Yah, that line of it pretty much sums up the day I had--

8:30 am--discovered puddle of oil in the garage from a leaky canister that Marc used to change the oil in the cars on Saturday. To protect my honey, I won't go into the rest. Let's just say he made some mistakes (all of us do) that made me fume pretty much until 2:00. What can I say, I could have handled it better.

4:00 pm-- showed up to my hair appt. only to discover my girl was sick and they couldn't reach me because they didn't verify my number when I called for the appt. and my number changed when I moved. Cried on the way to pick up the boys from my moms. I so needed an hour of pampering today.

9:30 pm--cleaning the bathtub with Soft Scrub with Bleach in a shirt that I shouldn't have been. Not my most brilliant decision.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better--here's the outlook:

8:30--leave for the zoo, Carter's final preschool outing for the year
11:30ish--lunch at Culvers with our best friends here
4:00--rescheduled hair appointment--if she's not there again I'll cry again!

not scheduled: clean bathroom floors, clean window tracks, vacuum and swiffer the 1st floor, do laundry, run 4ish miles (today's emotional eating did some major damage!) make dinner (pork loin & roasted broccoli, sweet potatoes, and red potatoes.)


ixoj said...

Good luck! I hope today goes better for you...

Natalie N said...

What a rotten day! Bummer. I hope today was better. Keep smiling!