May 27, 2008

Funny Fact #1

Have you seen my children's noggins? They run a little on the large side and I've been thinking about this a lot since a few months ago when Carter and I tried on the same baseball cap and it seemed to fit us both about the same. A little weird since he's 4 and I'm 27. A few days ago I decided to put my curiosity to rest and had Marc measure the circumference of our heads. Granted, he didn't use a measuring tape or anything, but he used something round and then a portion of his finger and sure enough, our heads are just about the same size and come to think of it, I'm pretty sure if they aren't, Carter's is a smidge larger. Now that's funny--and since giving birth is on the brain today as I dreamt of laboring and delivering #3 last night, (not an announcement, just another one of my random baby dreams!) I thank heaven that I don't have to push my 4-year-old's head out!

Now you take a look for yourself--what do you think?


Andrea said...

Ya, I'm hearing you. Trevor's head is yuge! It's like an orange on a tooth pick. It has it's own solar system--j/k.

But really, how does that happen? I feel so bad for the poor guys!

Rohm Family said...

I know! My kids heads are huge too- like off the charts huge- the doc always measures Leah's a couple times just to make sure he is reading it right- are you at the point where you have to put Carter in button up shirts, cuz we are headin' that way ( no pun intended- really :) )

Natalie N said...

It must be because of their big brains! Your boys are smarties! :)

Berly said...

My girls heads are huge. Their bodies are always in the 30% and their heads are in the 90%. Why?
Oh, by the way - I found it.