April 20, 2008

Nemo, newcomer of orange and white you have been called forth to the summit of Mt. Wannahockaloogie to join with us in the fraternal bonds of tankhood

I'm sure you have noticed there has really only been one thing going on in our lives lately--our house project. It has been sucking the energy out of all of us, the boys included. They've been so patient with the project, probably more patient than I have been, to be honest. Last Monday Marc called from work to see if we couldn't schedule a real Family Fun Night (as opposed to family time spent working on the house!) and go see Finding Nemo on Ice. What a fantastic idea! So, last night we took a break from the mundane and headed out to see the show. We got there early so we had plenty of time to listen to Carter beg and plead for the $10 cotton candy with a Nemo hat and the $10 snow cone in a Nemo cup and the $20 Nemo flashlights that the guys were walking around with. It was definitely a good night to set boundaries-- instead we walked off with a cheaper set of Nemo Go Fish playing cards which seemed fitting since Carter's been playing Go Fish with our normal set of cards lately. We also got a few treats and waited a while more before the show started. Besides the underwater mine explosion and the scary fish with the light, Carter thought the show was pretty great and Anderson wasn't phased by any of it. As a mom, I thought the whole thing was pretty magical, especially when I watched my children's eyes light up as they pointed, laughed and clapped. Unfortunately, in the last year, our children have become unaccustomed to staying up past bed time, so the ride home was a whiny one and getting pjs on pulled us into a full blown melt down by one of the boys. They say bedtime routines are great and yes, they are except when you want to skip it because it's two hours past bedtime. But even that didn't ruin the fun time we spent as a family.


Misty said...

What a fun time! Diana, you really look so great!

Jennifer said...

That sounds like so much fun! Your kids are at the perfect age to think it is the neatest thing ever.