April 08, 2008

The House Chronicles Part III

We have been hard at work and moving right along in getting our house ready to move into. It hasn't been without ups and downs, that is for sure. I'm feeling very accomplished today though so instead of writing during my Paint Melt Down last week, I thought I'd wait until I was feeling better and all was decided, and that just happens to be today, folks! So here goes:

When I last wrote about the house we thought all paint colors were chosen. We were oh so wrong! Marc and a friend of his got busy a few Saturdays and finished the 2nd floor paint. I walked in the house the next day and my heart sank. The supposedly beautiful creamy, neutral color that we had decided on for the stairway and hallway, the 2nd floor bath and the downstairs bath and laundry room became butter yellow on the walls. I panicked and I mean truly panicked. I'm not necessarily a yellow person and since the LR, boys room and 3rd bedroom were all in yellow tones, it seemed my whole house was yellow. We had already purchased $100 worth of that color and spent a few hours painting the walls so we had wasted the two things that elicit the most guilt for me--money and time. Oh the guilt! That just caused me to panic more but thankfully I have a dear, dear husband who wasn't worried about it at all. We were able to salvage one of the cans of paint by taking it back to Home Depot and having them toy around with it to make it close to the replacement color I chose. Then, last weekend Marc, my dad and I (mostly Marc and my dad) dug in our heels and repainted almost everything that the boys had done the weekend before. In a nutshell, choosing paint colors has been nothing but drama with a capital D for us, but a little trial a little error and a lot of stress never killed anyone. . .yet! I do have to say that even though I have been quite indecisive about the colors, I am now confident that I LOVE every color we've chosen. And I mean LOVE! Here's a list:

Expedition Khaki
Cliff Rock
Gobi Desert
Harvest Brown
Shortgrass Prairie
Mississippi Mud?

As far as the other developments go, we've ordered our carpet, but haven't scheduled the installation yet. We've also hired my friend's hubby to do our baseboards and door casings but haven't purchased or painted them yet so we haven't scheduled that work either. However, it looks as if we should be ready for carpet and baseboard in 2 weeks. YEA!!! So it's about time for me to start thinking of the P word--packing. UGG!!!

The low light of today was this--when Marc came to the house this afternoon to help me finish the 2nd coats on everything we painted Saturday he found the back 1/2 of the rabbit we had discovered was living in our yard. On Saturday he got caught in one of our window wells so before we locked up we built him a ramp by propping some baseboards down in the well. He obviously made his way out of the window well but unfortunately found his way into the mouth of a predator. It was horrible to see his little white tail and hind legs sticking out of the grass today. I almost cried but Marc told me to pull it together otherwise Carter would have definitely lost it--he feeds off of our emotions quite a bit.

In other news, Anderson has learned to say "Amen" after prayers! It's his fifth word!


Andrea said...

When we moved into our house I picked what I thought was a pretty yellow for Skylar's walls. Nate painted one afternoon while I was gone and when I got home I about died. The walls looked like an over-marked college textbook. The yellow came out like a fluorescent highlighter marker. YUCK. Lessons learned: always be home when the paint goes on the walls and buy the small can so you can test it before spending all that money!

Angela said...

Picking paint is so hard!! It seems there'd be a better system then choosing a 3x3 card of color to cover an entire room or house, considering it never looks the same on the walls as it does on that little card. I'm glad you were able to fix it though. I think I changed almost all of our original colors too... but in my opinion, it's worth your sanity for years to come!

Misty said...

Wow...so much work! We painted our entire office in our condo red and brown and then decided we hated it. So we changed it to yellow....it took quite a few coats to cover it. Miserable! Some day though, I guess they will be great memories. I want to see pictures when you get a minute in your crazy life right now. Good luck packing...moving is one of my least favorite things...you've done it a lot more than me though, so I won't complain!