April 11, 2008

hey, wanna here the most annoying sound in the world?

At this stage in my life, (specifically, young mother of two) there is absolutely nothing more intolerable to me than hearing one of my children screech in anger or annoyance. I hear it innumerable times a day. In fact, I've heard Anderson screech three times since I began typing this post--it's been a minute thirty, tops. It seems Carter takes great delight in stealing toys or being a substitute Mommy. Anderson in turn lets out a high pitched and LOUD screech and immediately my blood pressure sky rockets. It makes me want to shout (and sometimes I do) "Guys, enough!" which if you can quote Dumb and Dumber in it's entirety like my hubby, you'd know that's exactly what the guy shouts to Lloyd and Harry because of their "no erasies fight" just previous to the quote above. Should I be counting the days until Anderson can express himself in words or will that maybe just exasperate the problem?


Dad said...

This is Maegan from 232 Whitney Hall:) I saw your name on Natalie's blog so I wanted to check out where you are now. Your boys are so cute! I can't believe you and Danette have so many boys! We had three first too and I have a 2 year old who scream/screeches anytime things do not go his way, so I can sympathize. I finally have stopped telling the big boys to stop what they are doing to him and now I tell him to stop screaming. It doesn't work that well, so if you find a trick, pass it on!

wackywilsons said...

I feel like I was reading my own thoughts with this blog! Yes...Wesley torments and teases Austin to no end...in which Austin shreaks like a banshee non stop all day long too!!!

We have lots of time outs and I discipline WEsley for being the teaser...

Maybe our boys will become singers or actors with their strong lungs?

Colorado Smarts said...

Glad to hear that people are going through the same thing that is happening in our household. Gives me hope that it is just a phase.

Colorado Smarts said...

Oh, loved the paint story and glad to know that you got it all worked out.