March 30, 2008

We live in a car world

This week when Carter got his cars out to play I decided to make sure we still have all of them and to count them. (I haven't done this for a while and he's received a few new ones in the last few months as gifts or as rewards for helping around the house.) Our grand total: 44 cars and I have 3 left in my rewards stash. Marc thinks it's really pathetic that we have every color Ramone (5) but only 3 Lightening McQueens. At around $3 a pop, you do the math--more than enough money has been spent in supplying our addiction. I say our addiction because I'm as much of a sucker for a new car as Carter is.


The Beecrofts said...

What a cute family. Boys are so fun. Cars, trucks, balls, and dirt are all part of our everyday life. Matt and I missed you at Nick's wedding, but I did get your blog info from Aaron and Melissa. I'm still here in AZ with my family and Matt will come back this week for his springbreak. It will be really nice for him to get back out of freezing Cleveland. He only has one year of dental school left, so we won't be freezing much longer. Anyway, it is good to see you are doing well. We just started a blog a couple of weeks ago. When I get home I'll update it with all the stuff from this trip. Look us up at

Kyla Beecroft

Angela said...

So funny - I think Shawn would love playing with your boys - he's a car lover too!! We've got our own good little collection going, but not quite as good as yours. =)

Tracy said...

I love Carter and his cars! I think you guys have the best collection I've seen yet. Last week when Bennie was sick he lined cars up on furniture for the first time and made car-like noises. I think it could be the start of something...

wackywilsons said...

I think it's great that he has something to treasure and look forward to! Soon he may be into Spiderman or Transformers, and those toys are 8-9 dollars, so enjoy this one while you can!

Are you going to your 10 year reunion? I went last summer, you should read my post about it...I thought it was well worth it and you are right, you don't want to think, "what if."

How is your new "conquer the sweet" diet going? Do give details!

Natalie N said...

Fun to catch up on your blog, Diana! Amen to all that you said about the CARS obsession. Cole knows and loves his cars so much that he can tell the difference between which Doc Hudson he got as a "poo-poo" toy and which Doc he got for his Bday. These boys amaze me! You're a darling mother of boys!

Oh, and I love the boys in their St. Patty's day shirts. They look so much alike in that picture. (to me at least!)

Rohm Family said...

Terrell and I enlarged the pix of carter and his cars to see which ones you guys had- where did you find TEX! We have looked everywhere! I am a sucker for them too :)

foreveryoung said...

I can't believe he's still obsessed with the cars, that's too cute! My kids seem to outgrow their toy obsessions within a couple of months. I think this addiction was worth every penny if he's been hooked this long!