March 03, 2008

tantrum x 2; sick x 2

We are having a fun weekend/beginning of the week. It started out great--Marc and I celebrated our 6th anniversary by dropping the kids off at my parents house, spending 30 minutes closing on our house (is that some sort of record?), shopping for paint colors, going out to dinner with some friends at The Melting Pot (YUM! Can I go again this weekend?), waking up Saturday morning and going to the temple, grabbing lunch and shopping for some new work clothes for Marc. The weather was beautiful and spring like and we officially became weird Coloradans that pulled out shorts and flip flops only to put them away yesterday when a winter storm blew through. Anyway, the mood quickly slid down hill when, while we were picking up the kids after shopping, Anderson had a blow out diaper--I can't even tell you the last time he had one of those. Sunday morning we woke up to the winter storm and another blow out that happened sometime in the middle of the night. So, with 8:30 church looming we bathed him, slathered Desitin on his poor bright red bum and started a load of laundry and surprisingly got to church with time to spare. I thought for sure this would be the week we'd be late. The afternoon provided us 2 tantrums--one from each child. Carter's was after church but before we left the building. I never really thought Carter would initiate me into the club of parents whose children can't hold it together in church. I thought for sure it would be Anderson, but no, it was Carter. Once we got home and Carter was calmed down, Anderson had a fit when I tried to change his diaper and put him down for his nap. Don't you just love screaming, tantruming children? Then at about 8:00 pm with out any warning, Carter started puking. The first time he missed the toilet all together because he has only ever puked one other time which is a fun story but he was only 10 months old. No experience = missing the toilet and instead making it into Dad's hands. He proceeded to hit the toilet every 30 minutes or so until 11:00. Marc slept in the living room with him and I guess he did it again 2 more times in the middle of the night. I love that instead of going to Carter's movement class at the YMCA and my spinning class later tonight with lots of cleaning up in between, today became a "survival day" as we call it in my house. That just means I try not to focus on knocking things off my to do list and instead focus on getting us to 7:30 pm when Marc will come home and rescue us. Happy Monday!


Andrea said...

Congrats on signing on your home. When is your move-in date? Good luck painting--that is LOTS of work! Do post pictures when you're done!

Angela said...

Sick kids are defenitely no fun! It always makes me feel so helpless and sorry for them. Hopefully the week will end better for you guys!

wackywilsons said...

I hope your boys are better..if you have held out this long until joining the "can't control my children at church" club, you should congradulate yourself! ha!

Your anniversary sounded pics of your nearest temple...

I totally miss In 'N Out burgers as well...I heard they may make one in St George one of these days...but, I am almost willing to drive to Phoenix for one too!

Natalie N said...

You poor thing! What a rough day. I thought that was so sweet of Marc to spend the night in the living room with Carter. I can't imagine all that throw up coming from such a little body. I hope everyone is feeling better now!

Misty said...

What a day/weekend! Glad there were some positives! Sick kids...miserable for everyone! I hope things are better.

Phillips Flips said...

Well if it makes you feel any better, just think back to last summer when Delia lost it in the car on the way home from the park. Don't even mention church...Carter is an angel! I hope he feels better soon. Happy Anniversary!