February 14, 2008

Sugar & Spice & Everything Nice

They say that little girls are made of this, but I have to argue the other way. Carter is the sweetest little boy!

Puppy Love

A few weekends ago, we spent the evening with some friends at their house. They have a little girl, Mia, who is just days younger than Carter and ever since we met them, they have been good friends. While we were eating and chatting at the table, Carter, Jen, (Mia's mom) and I, Mia brought down a new dress she wanted to change into. As Jen slipped it over Mia's clothes she was already wearing, I caught a glance at Carter. He was staring at Mia with adoring eyes and a wide smile. Then, he said, "I really like that dress on you, Mia." As soon as he said those words, a pre-arranged marriage was as good as done in my book!

The Magic Words

Ensuring that your child is a grateful child is quite challenging and even though I try to enforce using "thank you" often, sometimes pre-schoolers in general and Carter specifically can seem selfish, spoiled, and ungrateful. Except for the occasional time when he totally surprises me. This has happened two times since last night.

Last night my parents stopped by to give the boys valentines. They brought Anderson an orangutan puppet and Carter "Darrel Cartrip" (one of the Cars cars). During their entire hour long visit, he kept asking my parents what his car's name was and why they had brought it for him. He held the car, stared at the car and loved the car. When they were leaving, Carter was sitting at the kitchen table trying to finish his ice cream before bed and with Darrel Cartrip in hand he said, "Thank you for bringing Cartrip for me." Wow! I didn't even have to remind him.

This morning was Carter's preschool Valentine's party. I wanted so badly to be there, but seeing as how yesterday I couldn't move and today I still have some residual stuffiness and coughing, I didn't go. When we got home, Mia's mom called to tell me how cute Carter was during the party. While they were passing out their valentine treats, he was heard saying, "This is so exciting, Miss Amy! I love it." Then while everyone else was getting their coats and backpacks on, Carter ran over to Miss Amy to say one last thing: "I just wanted to say thank you for my Valentine." How sweet.


wackywilsons said...

I love that your boys are learning good manners...and how lovely for you to be able to witness that! It makes motherhood all worth it:)

I hope you are feeling better soon..it is so hard to be sick, especially when you are supposed to be taking care of everyone else!

Congrats on the new house...i want to see pics asap! Check out DirectBuy b/c you will get ALL of your remodel stuff at cost price, which is well worth the investment...not to mention all of your future upgrades. There are three in Colorado...

Good luck!

Natalie N said...

Precious, precious! These Sunbeams are the sweetest things.
Congrats on the new house!! That's WONDERFUL news. We're so excited for you. When will you move? Keep us posted!

Misty said...

he sounds so cute! Man, I wish we lived closer. I am certain however, that with you as his mother, he will be anything but selfish.

Feel better! I can't imagine being a mom and being sick. I just don't think it is posible.

Angela said...
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Angela said...

What sweet boys you are raising! What precious moments and stories you will have for the future!