February 24, 2008

Quote(s) of the Day

Recently, Carter has picked up on a common dinner table conversation piece. He'll often ask Marc, "So how's work going?" The first time he said this, I think I laughed kind of like Dick Van Dyke does in Mary Poppins--the "Pah!" explosive kind of laugh. He sounded so grown up all of a sudden and we were both caught off guard. The other day he asked me the same question while I was loading the dishwasher. I told him I don't really work (I know that's not true, though.) I asked him how his work was going. He responded similarly.

Today Marc and I were discussing babies and I don't even remember if we were discussing them generally as in there are tons of babies being born right now or specifically as in the eventual growth of our own family, (no this is not an announcement or even an announcement of a soon to come announcement, we don't anticipate anything of the sort for quite awhile) but Carter piped in only to say "We don't need any babies, Mom we have my baby brother, Aden!" Thank you, Carter. That is exactly why there isn't an announcement to make.

1 comment:

foreveryoung said...

I love the funny things kids say and am totally going to miss when they outgrow this stage! What a funny kid!