January 18, 2008

(Tag) Here's to you, Mindy!

I got tagged again--from the same tag string--so I wasn't going to do it again. But, I just ran across this one so I'll do it, but just for you Mindy! Love ya.

A: available or single? No--I'm married for almost 6 years to Marc. Living proof that dreams do come true!

B: best friend: I can't choose just one best friend because wherever I go I find one or two people that I just can't live without. But my longest lasting friendships are my sis Danette and of course my sweetheart Marc. I can actually say I might die without these two.

C: cake or pie? usually I'd choose pie, almost any kind, but those delicious looking 3 layer chocolate cakes on restaurant commercials always seem to start a craving.

D: drink of choice? Water all the way, but an occasional coke will do the trick.

E: essential items used daily? baby wipes! what's a girl to do without them? thank goodness I became a mother and discovered their magic because they should be a staple in every household--children or no children.

F: favorite color? can't choose.

G: gummy bears or gummy worms? okay, neither are my fav but if I had to choose it would be the Harboro gummy bears, you know the originals. all others are mere imitations.

H: hometown? Colorado Springs, though to date the longest I've lived anywhere is Toledo, OH--13 years.

I: indulgence? pedicures, sleeping in until 8 am, and last night Marc brought home Red Robin's BBQ burger with fries and a cherry coke. It certainly did the trick, but I'd like someone to tell me how to get my eating under control. It's been a down hill slide since December, or maybe since Anderson was born 16 months ago. Seriously, any tips friends?

J: January or February? I can't choose just one. I like January because it's Marc's birthday and this year I finally have my act together and actually have something up my sleeve. I like February because my high maintenance self loves a little spoiling for the love holiday. Nothing major, just a CD I've been eyeing or a massage.

K: kids and names? Carter and Anderson--despite the fact that they were both up at 1:30 this morning I adore them completely.

L: life is incomplete without... a hug and a kiss everyday from my three boys

M: marriage date? March 2002

N: number of siblings? 4 (3 sisters, 1 brother)

O: oranges or apples? definitely apples

P: phobias or fears? losing Marc or the kids, spiders, snakes, car accidents

Q: favorite quote? hmm, I'll have to get back to you on this.

R: reason to smile? tomorrow is Saturday and for two whole days I actually get to see my husband for more than an hour before I'm so tired my brain shuts off and I just fall asleep

S: season? I don't do extremes--anything between 50 and 80 is fine by me, but I don't know if any season here is predictable enough to say I do or don't like it. I'm sure it will snow in May when summer is right around the corner but we could have 70 degree weather in February, you just never know.

T: tag 3 people... I don't like tagging people but I love reading them so do it if you want.

U: unknown fact about me? when one of my favorite songs comes on my MP3 player while I'm running I will mouth the words--I realize I probably look silly to those on the treadmills next to mine, but who cares. At least I'm not actually belting out the tunes, right?

V: vegetables you don't like? if they are cooked right, I bet most veggies actually taste good.

W: worst habit? biting my fingernails, neglecting the kids and my household duties so I can blog or shop or waste time on the internet, not taking my make up off before bed.

X: x-rays? I'm really not quite sure what this is asking. I've had some xrays and ultrasounds done. I actually really like ultrasounds as long as they warm up the goo first.

Y: your favorite food: I love Thai food as longs as it's the chicken satay with peanut dipping sauce, yellow coconut curry with chicken, potatoes and sweet potatoes and the mango sticky rice. WOW! I'm always in the mood for this.

Z: zodiac sign? Cancer


Colorado Smarts said...

So, I'm finally taking time to catch up on the blogging world. Fun to read all of you recent posts...good luck with the running and give me a call soon to get together!

Andrea said...

Mango sticky rice is my FAVORITE. I even know how to order it in Thai and it is the only Thai dish I actually know how to cook. This was a fun read.

wackywilsons said...

Very informative and fun to read!!!

I will have to make time to "tag" my blog too...heaven knows I am behind...

Andrea said...

Send me your e-mail address at andrea_paxman@hotmail.com and I'll send you the recipe. You have to have specific cookware to make it, but you can buy it at any Asian/Thai food store.