January 22, 2008

Date Night


When I was growing up, I always felt a little deprived because even after microwave popcorn hit the shelves, my mom still opted for the air pop variety. We'd sit down to our TGIF shows with a huge bowl, it was actually the Tupperware cover to a cake platter, but it served just as well as our popcorn bowl, of air popped popcorn. It tasted okay but my taste buds craved the buttery, salty taste of the microwaved stuff.

The first time I visited Marc at his home in Santa Maria, and this is before his mission to Brazil and therefore before we were officially dating, his sister and brother-in-law were headed to the drive in and took along some air-popped popcorn to munch on. His family was possibly the only other family I knew that air popped their popcorn and in my silly 19 year old head I seriously had this thought: "just another reason we are MFEO!" HA! HA!

As most of you know, paying for a babysitter so hubby and you can get out on a date isn't always an option. We do it on occasion, we should probably do it more, but recently we've been content to get the kids to bed on Saturday night and sit down to a movie with popcorn and a package of movie candy. Now as an adult I'd much rather have the air popped stuff and that's what we have but let me give you a little hint. The $6 jar of Orville Redenbacher's is worth the splurge over the $2 bag of Jolly Time. I was trying to save a little money on Saturday when I replenished our supply of the kernels, but when that night came I was regretting it. It just didn't taste the same.


The flick Marc and I watched on Saturday night was Stardust. Now typically I'm not a huge fan of fantasy. It's just "not my bag," but this movie was fantastic. It had all of the elements of a typical boy meets girl story line, but the fantasy flare added the suspense and intrigue that made it more than the boring romantic comedies that I used to love. If you haven't seen it, take your hubby to Blockbuster and then straight back to your own sofa this Saturday. I think you might like it.


renae said...

i would just love to echo your thoughts on "count..." first. i loved the book too, for all the reasons you mentioned! such a great read.
and david and i loved stardust too! i saw it in the theaters TWICE (i rarely watch any movie twice) and we rented it this past weekend too. i think he really liked it, which says something. he never likes the movies i like.
my only experience with an air popper is that i melted it. i don't know how, but it only took me one attempted use to ruin the thing. i'm awesome.

Jennifer said...

We cook our popcorn on the stove in the oldest pan known to man. It was my mom and dad's popcorn pan and now it's ours. It's black and gross and makes the worlds best popcorn.

Livingstone Family said...

Diana, the Count of Monte Cristo is one of my all-time fav movies, I've heard the book is wonderful-- but never made it as far as reading it. I'll have to pick it up one of these days, I just have a hard time with books I've already seen the movies of. Also, Stardust, another all-time favorite. Does it get any better? I could watch it over and over again and never get tired of it! Another reason we are MFEO!