November 23, 2007

Giving Thanks and Chasing Pie

Just in time for Thanksgiving--SNOW!! Our first of the season. When Carter woke up on Wednesday I told him to look outside the window. He did, his eyes lit up and his first words--"I so excited it snowed. Let's call Dad!" A few hours later, while Anderson napped we ventured out in boots and coat but only stayed for a few minutes. It was too cold!

I've spent the last week really contemplating my blessings, 'tis the season you know! Yesterday while we feasted on a yummy Thanksgiving meal my dad began our annual thankful conversation. I've missed probably the last six or seven Thanksgivings at my house and prior to that I was at the age where these conversations were lost on me, I was too caught up in myself I guess, but yesterday when it came my turn to share my thoughts I was so choked up I had to pass. I just couldn't even get the words out. After everyone else went, I did take my turn but didn't share the depth of it, tears were still too close to the surface. So, I think while I am secluded in my house and no one can see me cry, I'll share the blessings I'm so very grateful for.

1. The words "I'm sorry." I have oh so many weaknesses and I am so glad that when I say these words, I can commit to change myself.

2. Marc. I'm so blessed to have a man in my life whose top priority is to make me happy. Sometimes I turn a blind eye to this, but at the end of the day, I know he works so hard and so many hours (inside and outside of our home) for me and our boys.

3. Carter & Anderson. I have 2 of the most precious children. They are happy and healthy and I could not ask for more.

4. Grandparents. My boys have 2 sets of grandparents who love them and love to spend time with them.

5. The Lord. Ultimately, all of the above blessings are gifts from my Heavenly Father who loves me enough to bless me with a forever family.

On a lighter note, later that evening as we gobbled our pie Anderson became "the pie chaser." First he sat with Marc and nibbled on his. Then he wandered to Grandma and munched until she was done. He came to my bowl next and finally ended up in Grandpa's lap. The yumminess of pie was certainly not lost on him! Oh, and before I forget, holidays seem to hold the magic wand in my house when it comes to toddlers beginning to toddle. Carter started walking on the fourth of July (a few years back, of course) and Thanksgiving proved to be the big day for Anderson. It's official. He's a toddler.


Danette said...

Count me jealous that we couldn't share the holiday with you guys! I missed the pie chasing... :(

wackywilsons said...

I guess I didn't know that you lived close to your parents? How nice to be such a close family now, both physically and emotionally.

You inspire me to give more thanks...

And good for you for overcoming an insecurity on that treadmill...I think running is so healthy, especially when pounding that road with good tunes.

I will hit that treadmill hard this week after gaining 2 more lbs!

Jennifer said...

Looks like you had a great day. Loved seeing the picture of your dad. Do you have more family photos of them posted?
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Summer said...

I felt the same way on Thanksgiving. I feel like I have so many blessings in my life--I definitely don't express gratitude enough.