November 09, 2007

Apple Pie for Everyone!

Since it seemed that no one had a Caramel Apple Pie recipe to help me with my search, on Sunday I decided (and I'm not sure why I didn't think of this before) to try to track down my roommate that had the recipe. Surprisingly, it didn't take long thanks to that nifty BYU Alumni Directory. I couldn't remember my id and password so it took just a moment to find that and reset the password (which I promptly forgot again) and the search was over almost as soon as it started. I found an email address which looked fairly current so I sent her an email. I then stalked my email box for three days until Wednesday when I got a reply! I was so thrilled to get an update from her--I haven't seen her since my wedding 5 1/2 years ago--and to get a copy of the coveted recipe. I thought I'd do my test run for Carter's school Thanksgiving Feast next Thursday, but decided yesterday that I was craving the yumminess so I did my test run yesterday. The pie didn't disappoint. Topped with ice cream and a drizzle of caramel, every bite was gooey and delicious. Marc and I shared some with my mom who dropped by to see the boys and sent some home for my dad, but there is still 1/3 of the pie shouting at me from the refrigerator. I'm trying to hold off until tonight after dinner but I might have to sneak a nibble soon. So, as requested by some, I'm sharing the recipe with you! And everyone say "Thank You" to Kathryn Gurney Manwill! Thanks, Kathryn.

Applescotch Pie

5 cups thinly sliced pared tart apples
1 cup packed brown sugar
¼ cup water
1 T. lemon juice
¼ cup flour
2 T. sugar
¾ tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
3 T. butter
Uncooked pie dough for 2 9” pies

Combine apple slices, brown sugar, water, and lemon juice in a saucepan. Cover and cook over medium heat until apples are just tender, about 5 minutes. Mix flour, sugar, and salt. Stir into apple mixture. Cook stirring constantly, until syrup thickens, about 2 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla and butter. Heat oven to 425ยบ. Prepare the pastry. Turn the apple mixture into pastry-lined pie pan. Cover with top crust, and cut slits into it. Seal and flute edge. Cover the edge with a 2-3 inch strip of aluminum foil to prevent excessive browning. Remove foil for the last 15 minutes of baking. Bake 40-45 minutes or until crust is golden brown.

(the only thing I might change is to add a little bit of cinnamon to the filling, or maybe sprinkle the top with a sugar cinnamon mixture!)


elizabeth said...

I am so going to make this for my family on Thanksgiving! Thank you for sharing the "yumminess" with the rest of us.

foreveryoung said...

Yea! Just in time for Thanksgiving (if I can wait that long!) Thanks for sharing!

Rohm Family said...

oh thank you! I am hosting Turkey day again for the Rohm fam this year and this sounds so good and so easy :) I am still waiting for your other recipes...