September 17, 2007


5 things I was doing 10 years ago (Sept 1997):
1. Waking up at 5:00 am for early morning seminary
2. Playing powder puff football
3. Dreading going to homecoming with a junior who I was afraid might just wear that red chili pepper tie he thought was so cool and it wasn't.
4. Taking what became my last math class ever- Pre Calc
5. Coming down with the regular case of senioritis

5 things on my to do list today:
1. Go grocery shopping at Walmart and Safeway
2. Do my Pilates video
3. Take Carter to his Kids Movement class at the YMCA (he wasn't interested today and we left early_
4. Buy a new hair dryer at ULTA--mine conveniently died yesterday when I was getting ready for church!
5. Mop my kitchen floor--a chocolate cupcake got dumped on it frosting side down during Anderson's birthday celebration.

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Apples with caramel dip
2. pumpkin chocolate chip bread, muffins, cookies
3. Apple cider
4. Peanut Butter M&Ms
5. Toast with cinnamon and sugar

5 songs I know the lyrics to:
1. Everywhere (Tim McGraw)
2. The Old Apartment (BNL)
3. Sk8er Boi (Avril Lavigne)
4. Ex-Girlfriend (No Doubt)
5. Speed (Montgomery Gentry)

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Invest, invest, invest for retirement
2. Buy a house!
3. Buy a black Escalade
4. Go on a major shopping spree--upgrade wardrobes for all of us plus buy all the stuff I want for the boys bathroom and mine, too and all the kitchen tools I want and all the organizational helpers I want to get my life in order plus anything else I can think of.
5. Buy Marc a few extras that I know would make him smile like a new plasma and a Wii.

5 bad habits
1. Biting my fingernails--haven't been able to kick this one since oh the 1st grade
2. Talk too much
3. Lots of negative self talk
4. Some serious buyers remorse which would probably do a number on my #4 above.
5. Spend too much time during nap time on this machine!

5 things I would never wear again:
1. double scrunch socks
2. Leggings with a baggy shirt over top
3. pegged pants
4. socks with Birkenstock type sandals (Marc's going to kill me when he reads this--he can't stand seeing people do this!)
5. anything that is too many sizes too big for me. What was I thinking in high school?

5 things I enjoy doing:
1. spinning or running, basically feeling strong
2. shopping without a budget--this actually has never happened but I keep dreaming about it!
3. snuggling and kissing my baby
4. partying with friends
5. blogging (obviously)

5 favorite toys:
1. MP3 player--makes running so much more enjoyable
2. portable DVD--we can survive road trips
3. a good book--this keeps me occupied indefinitely
4. hmm I'm running out of ideas

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