May 02, 2007

Car Heaven!

Today, Carter and his friends were in Car Heaven! As mentioned before, Carter has three friends who are exactly his age, but two of them happen to have birthdays within the same month period as he does. Because Logan's birthday was last week and Derek's was today (Carter's isn't for another 3 weeks, but we'll be on the road then and it's easier to celebrate one birthday early than two super late!) we decided to throw a birthday party for our weekly play group. Since the boys are all Cars lovers we knew we had to have a Cars party and that we did! Logan's mom provided Cars EVERYTHING--the table cloth, the place mats that also served as a runner with a bunch of them lined up, plates, cups, napkins, banners, confetti (which Carter proceeded to line up on the side of the table just like he does his cars on the couch) and cupcakes that had Cars paper liners and Lightening Red frosting and checkered flag and character toothpicks on them. I'm telling you I'd never seen such red frosting in my life--it was a thing of beauty, especially to the three year olds, tempting us for hours until lunch was served and all activities were done! I'm just sad I didn't get a picture of the fabulous looking table. After a lunch of kids food--mini corn dogs, chicken bites, french fries, grapes, truck fruit snacks (the Cars ones once sold were no where to be found this morning) and juice boxes the kids got to try to break the pinata that Derek's mom provided. WOW, that thing was solid. After each kid got a turn at bat twice (with 5 hits each time) the thing still hadn't cracked so Marc, who was able to take a break from studying to attend, finally took a few swings and broke it. Carter stood as cheerleader as everyone took their turn. It was cute to watch him yell go go Faith (or Derek, Logan, or Noah) and flap his arms around. The kids were thrilled with gathering the candy, which wasn't typical pinata candy--they had good stuff, snickers, skittles, m&ms, laffy taffy, reeses cups (the big ones). They even had Cars bags to put their loot in! After the pinata, it was cupcake time. We stripped the kids clothes off so the red didn't ruin anything and they went to town and boy did their red lips look tasty when they were through. Carter is swimming with his dad right now, but I'm hoping when he comes home and it's bed time that the toothbrush will get rid of his red teeth and residual red mustache he's had all day. After cleaning up a bit, it was present time and that was really fun. Most of the presents were even wrapped in Cars wrapping paper. Carter came away with the Sparkling Lightning McQueen (from the very end of the movie) and a remote control Mater along with Lightening McQueen camera and photo albums (which I plan to use to hold his printed party pics) and some color wonder markers, finger paints and books which will be perfect in about three weeks when we're in the car for hours on end. The party was soo much fun, but don't be fooled, it was really crazy! All four of the three year olds have little brothers ranging from new born to seven months which equals 8 kids plus the one two year old girl (the only nursery aged girl in our ward for church). Counting all kids the adults were sorely outnumbered--9 kids under 3 years and 6 adults. But it was more fun than crazy. I'm sure Carter will be having Cars dreams tonight!


foreveryoung said...

Happy b-day Carter! I love the picture of him eyeing the cupcakes, he looks like he's about ready to pounce! Good luck with the move!

Rohm Family said...

what a fun party- Owen would have fit right in with that crew- if you guys are driving to CO and need a pit stop, we'd love to have you again. The spare room still has the crib and futon all set up.