February 11, 2007

January in Pictures

What a month! Full of family fun and birthdays!
Sadly, I have let our camera run out of batteries and I think we have some around here somewhere, but I have to dig them out of a crate on the top shelf of the boys closet so this is all I have to show for a great month. Here are the highlights:
  • A super trip to Utah to visit grandparents, aunts & uncles (including Aunt Allison who cam down from Rexburg to hold Anderson), and cousins and explore job opportunities. Carter was an angel in the car, watching a record breaking 7 movies in one day on the car ride home. What did parents ever do with out portable DVD players? On the other hand, Anderson was a terror. As a last resort, we drugged him with Benadryl on the way home which only worked to calm him, not make him sleep. Apparently he's partial to his own bed. Aren't we all? Though I wasn't aware babies could be so picky!
  • Carter's first snow experiences. He isn't fond of the wet white stuff, though he loves the Lightening McQueen snow boots I came across at Walmart. He's still pulling them out of the closet if only to play with them. He certainly doesn't need to wear them around here!
  • A week of birthday celebrations: Marc's 27th which he shared with one of the elders serving in our area. We had our own family breakfast. The missionaries then joined us for a Mexican fiesta dinner. A few days later, Helen, one of Marc's personal training clients turned 81 (or 82, I can't remember) so we had her over for dinner and dessert.
  • Danette and her two boys came for a visit at the end of the month. The boys enjoyed playing while Danette and I tired quickly of playing referee. But no matter what fights we all endured during the day, night time was a whole different story. They all slept in the same room each night and what slumber party fun they had. We could hear giggles from their room sometimes hours after bed time.

1 comment:

foreveryoung said...

What a fun month! There's nothing like spending time with family. Especially you're sister, I'm jealous, mine lives in Iowa! Great pictures and I'm glad you guys had a fun trip.