February 02, 2007


Jamie tagged me with her list of 'things that make her special' aka idiosyncrasies. So, I spent about an hour or so thinking and here is what I came up with. These are all things that I think drive Marc insane, too!

  • When we go on trips, I have to bring my own pillow, even if we're only staying in hotels that of course have a plentiful supply.
  • All of my clothes in the closet hang on white hangers. One day a few years ago I was in my 'tornado mode' (Marc's affectionate term for my "I'm stressed and cleaning mode") and I gathered up all of our white hangers and switched my clothes on to them and everyone else is stuck with the rainbow assortment. Someday, maybe Marc will let me do all the closets in white hangers.?
  • I'm super picky with my dairy products. Pretty much has to be name brand.
  • One of my projects that I finished just after Anderson was born was redoing my spices. Those spice racks you get for your wedding always have random spices, so I dumped the random ones, gathered up the ones I use regularily and dumped those ones in. Then, I relabled all of them so they are all uniform and here's the kicker. I alphabetize them in the rack. I was proud of the pretty display--who knew chili powder, paprika, and whole bay leaves looked so cute in a spice rack?
  • For five years now, I have been our family's dishwasher for the most part. Pretty sad, huh. No dishwasher. I have a whole system. First, clean out the sink, run the hot soapy water. Do the bottles and glasses first. Then the silverware, then the plates, then bowls, then pots, pans and oversized anything else. Our sink dish drainer doesn't fit the bottles and glasses, so I line those up on a towel in an organized fashion, too. Kids cups in one line, adult cups in another (glass and plastic in two groups)
  • When feeding Carter any meal, if it requires a bowl and a plate, I use matching colors. (We have the ever popular IKEA set of neon blue, green, yellow and orange plates, bowls, and cups) If we use any seperately, I will grab a color of bowl that we've already used that color of plate that day. That way, any clean ones are all the same color.
  • About once a week, while cleaning up Carter's cars, I'll gather them up in the sets they were purchased in just to make sure we still have all 30+ of them. If we have misplaced any, I will scour the house or car to find it.

Okay, so I hope you all will still be my friends after you realize that I am probably a legit crazy! Now, anyone who is reading this is tagged and should email or post me their list. Come on you guys, it's super fun to laugh at yourself.


foreveryoung said...

Thanks for playing along! That was fun to find out more about you, and it definately sounds like I need you around to help me organize my house!

Livingstone Family said...

Definately a woman after my own heart! I think you're great-- part of the reason is because you make me feel more normal. I think it's a good reason we don't live too close to each other, we'd probably learn each other's tricks and really be weird. We are normal, right?