December 14, 2006

Anderson is 3 Months!

Happy 3 month birthday to Anderson! Wow, it's been a long 3 months full of progress. Just last night I was telling Marc how much I missed Anderson's newborn days. I guess technically he still fits in the category, but he was pushing 15 pounds a month ago and to me that's simply not a newborn. We decided, though that the perks of having a 3 month old far out way the "newborn phase." The best perk is this: Just when we thought it would never happen, Anderson started sleeping through the night. It's almost been a month since. It's been great--though finals time is wearing on us both and we are still bone tired. He's wearing 6 month clothing and is probably about 17 pounds. That's our best guess anyway. And last night, he started laughing for the first time. I was watching The Biggest Loser and Marc was being silly with Anderson and all of a sudden it got quiet and I noticed--Anderson's laughing for the first time! We quickly got the video camera and videoed for one of the first times, even though we've had the thing since May. Anyway, we're so glad to have such an angel in our house--he barely even makes a peep most of the time. Here's a pic of our boys in matching shirts. I bought Carter's at the outlet because it was so stinkin' cute and then later I received Anderson's as a gift. When I get Anderson's out to put it on him, Carter thinks it is his, so we have to get his out, too.


foreveryoung said...

Cute kids, you guys did good! That was fun to see your family picture, you look great! Good luck with all the holiday stuff!

Rohm Family said...

Dianna, I can't beleive how much Carter looks like Marc in that pix with him and Anderson in the matching t's. It's like his mini-me. You are so beautiful! I can't wait to have my body back again!! 8 more weeks! Merry Christmas!